Sunday, February 14, 2010


a lovely day around San Francisco. The gods smiled on St. Valentine to make sure everything went according to plan. The sun was out, people were in good spirits and the pillow fight ensured that the streets will be filled with feathers for a week or two. Apparently they have this all over the world, at the same time. It was good to see, but I could tell the type of people who wanted to actively participate. It seemed they had some rage built up. I, however, do not have such rage so I was content to sit back and watch. My afternoon included a walk around the North East side of the city with a beautiful lady, a pillow fight, and dinner. Doesn't seem like much but I had a good time. I was thankful that I could walk around with the sun shining. I don't usually do this, or if I do then I just walk to get where I'm going, that's it. Now my stomach is full, I am tired and I picked up some extra hours, (Thanks Angie). So, it is off to bed. I will return tomorrow. Yes you may be able to tell I am in higher spirits. It seems that sunshine is a mood changer just like the wind, snow and rain can be.

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