Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Payday Part ll

So I got paid today, went to the doctor's office, missed no work and went shopping. At the doctor's they said that I had some tendinitis in my shoulder and that I just have to take it easy and it should go away. They are unsure about what's wrong with my stomach. I have another appointment at a different place next week. And they took some blood, and gave me a Rice Krispie's treat. Fair trade in my assessment, it was double chocolate.

It has been cold today and since I have shaved my head it has felt ten times colder. After work I decided to find a hat. It sounds simple. But damn it took me three hours, but I did manage to get three Christmas presents and also a hat. I was probably swindled by some sweet talking ladies in the mall but they were friendly and frankly it was nice to talk to strangers. I don't do that enough. Usually I'm just talking to the crazy guy at the bus stop and making sure that he gets to tell me all about how God has put him on the path he was on.

Now that I realize it, I don't have that much more shopping to do. It's not that I don't want to give. That's all fine and good. I just don't want to do it with all the other people. They don't look or care where they are going. They all have more money than me, and waste it. That reminds me of a fantastic target ad that I think will work very negativly and that makes me smile. It's the one where the guy turns on the lights and a man and a dog are walking by. The dog growls and starts barking and the man says that the dog doesn't like people flaunting their wealth. The guy with the house was like, "But I'm not rich." You hope for moments like these. They are actually saying that a necessity in life is to make sure that your house is covered in christmas lights. That must make the people who can't even afford to eat feel like shit. He's poor and still has lights. But my belly is rumbling. Hmm, Lights or food? Tough choice. And yes I am fully aware that I am a hypocrite, but so are doctor's and we still admire them. So in a way you should admire me.

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